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    Prepared with love in it ♥
    Welcome to
    California Walnuts
    We have prepared great recipes for your taste
    from all over the world.

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    Walnut & Industry
    Get The Full Use
    of Walnuts
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    Walnuts as Ingredients
    Walnut for
    Food Industry
    The California walnut industry has been
    a leader in ensuring food safety through continuous
    investment in education, training and research.



Summer Recipes With
California Walnuts

As summer rolls in, there’s no better time to elevate your meals with the versatile and nutritious addition of California walnuts. With their rich flavor, satisfying crunch, and impressive nutritional profile, walnuts are the perfect thing to add to your summer recipes.


Tasty Life with Walnuts

Discover the countless ways walnuts add flavor, crunch and depth to every course from savory appetizers, to hearty entrées and desserts.
